
Slaves To the dollar.

So here I am frustrated and done with this country, I am committed to change it and here is how. I am going to inform of all of the bullshit that I see going on. I am tired of being rape and plumage of my time and energy to try to keep up with my bank account just to find out i owe someone else or taxes or anything else for that matter. It is time for the federal reserve to go away. It is time for the government to go away, there are so many ways that they have found to exploit us threw propaganda, television, news, media, school, Religion, internet, weather, you name it they will make it work to their advantage. To think that there is a President that will ever be able to make a change is unrealistic it won't or can't happen special interest groups and Parliament (congress) holds all the power. Even our food is tainted we ingest shit which en-tell feeds the doctors which feeds the pharmaceuticals and then we have fat pathetic people who don't have time to get in shape or eat better. It is time to take charge of this country it is time to wake up to the bullshit that is really going on here. If we don't start to care about each other we will eliminate this world, we have enough technology to make enough for all, and when everyone has enough there will be no crime. There is one catch though there is one essential item that is need that is Unconditional Love, If this exist then we will accept everyone for what they choose. I plead with you world please awaken to the new world this is the peoples world we don't need a government to tell us how to live life there are so many better things out there then what they lets us have, such as a completely oil free world, we can pull energy off of the currents in the ocean, off of the Geyser, which by the way have enough energy to run the world for a year in a short month or so of running. why do we insist that we have the best technology for us. We are fed mouth fulls of propaganda and bullshit it is time to rise up and take our world back and make life great for everyone not just a few elite. I know that i am a conspiratorial and that i am a dreamer but if we will all pull together we can have a better life for all. If we don't stop it soon it will self implode i plead with you let go of your religion let go of your beliefs, it is all made up the whole world as we know it, is made up and directed by the governments, Your religion is true it doesn't change the world there never will be some magical mystical being from the sky that will instantly change the world, think about it how could it be? How many Jesus' have there been to this point in time they are all pegged as lunatics and crazies if you want the world to change then lets start to spreed the word of enlightenment. Please stop letting the government ruin this planet, lets make life great for every one, so that all of us can live our passion. If you were living your passion would you need to get paid for it if we all had enough? No we would have a great life. Lets Do as many masters before us have taught lets create Heaven On Earth. If we are not in heaven now we never will be, Heaven can't be so far off pipe dream it has to be a reality in the moment...

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